
iOS Health App

A project exploring the iOS Health app. Increasing daily active users by adding in-app appointments as a new feature.

Some initial thoughts: The app feels more designed from a visual perspective than some other iOS apps, with more up-to-date UI elements such as chunky iconography and heavily rounded corners. Although from a user experience point of view, the app lacks intuitive navigation, user flows and many elements feel very 'off-the-shelf' and not specifically designed.

Clinical Appointments

Clinical Appointments

 Making health-related appointments is long-winded and time-consuming. We are encouraged to take care of ourselves but making an appointment to get something checked out can be a huge barrier.

Proposal Schedule, organise and attend healthcare appointments from within the Health app. The solution is somewhat speculative; clinical documents, results, and prescriptions are available within the app and are pre-populated by some organisations.

Intended Result The clinical section of the Health app has potential. If utilised correctly it could see an increase in users relying on the app for healthcare appointments, doctor's notes, and health records.

New Appointment Walk-Through

New Appointment Walk-Through

User Flow

User Flow

 The project was brief and wasn’t explored past the initial concepts. I’m happy to share and discuss more. ✌️

The project was brief and wasn’t explored past the initial concepts. I’m happy to share and discuss more. ✌️